Part 11 of pain and Friendship saga. Operation “Mine.”
Author: Fayth

Willow blinked groggily and tried to stop the room spinning >OK body check,
arms- two, legs- two, phew! Head intact body temp- check. I’m alive and in one
piece Bonus if I can move.< She swung her legs off the side of the bed to land
on the floor and for a moment the world spun like a Catherine Wheel “Bah!”
She heard a clatter in the kitchen and staggered to her feet. Her brain felt
full of cotton wool. >Who’s in my house?<
She made it down the stairs without her head exploding on which she
congratulated herself. But when she entered the kitchen she thought she was
Spike stood at the kitchen stove stirring something that smelt delicious, his
cigarette dangled form his other hand. The table was set for two with Candles
and table cloth and silverware. The drapes were closed- presumably so the chef
didn’t flambe himself, making the room cosy and intimate.
Spike was wearing a tight back T-shirt and dark blue jeans, he had no socks on
and Willow was mesmerised by his feet. They were strong and so male >Great Will
drool over your flatmates feet! I must be coming down with something!< Like
l-o-v-e? questioned her brain.
“Hey Spike.” She spoke aloud suddenly to shut her brain up. Spike jumped
“Bloody hell pet, don’t do that.”
“Now you know how it feels stealth boy.” She grinned wickedly “Whatcha doing?”
>Stage one of Operation “mine”< he thought  “You slept late so I figured you’d
be hungry.” He peered into the pan
“You’re cooking for me?” she was ridiculously pleased
“Yeah but it needs another few minutes- enough time for you to grab a quick
“Trying to tell me something?” She teased pretending to sniff herself
“I didn’t want to be the one to say it.” His expression was full of mischief
“I can take a hint.!” She mocked outrage and walked to the door slowly
“You OK?” he asked concerned
“Yeah, fine.” She straightened “I’ll feel better after a shower.”
He leered “if you need someone to scrub your back…” he left the sentence
dangling and chuckled at her blush > Stage one is set!<

Knowing Spike was cooking dinner, Willow made short work of her shower. She
pulled on comfy jeans and a black T-shirt, unconsciously mimicking Spike’s
wardrobe. After a quick brush of her hair she was able to rejoin him downstairs
on sturdier legs.
Spike pulled out her chair so she could sit down.  She stared at her plate there
was her favourite meal- lasagne and vegetables, roast potatoes, sweetcorn and
buttered cabbage- her favourite.
“Wow!” she said and looked at Spike “I didn’t know you could cook.”
He shrugged as he sat opposite her, his knees brushing hers under the table.
“I met this chef in New Orleans who cooked in this hotel we stayed at. He
offered me cooking lessons for eternal life and the chance to kill his boss. I
just never had a chance to put the skills to the test.” his gaze softened as she
picked up her fork to taste it
“MM. perfect.” She moaned as she swallowed and licked her fork.
“Glad you like it.” >Don’t watch her eat or swallow unless you *want* to
embarrass yourself like a damn schoolboy.< he ducked his head to his plate and
tried not to wish he was the fork.
“So how long was I out?”
“Just a little while- its after 5.” She groaned
“I think me and Giles are competing for the who-can-be-unconscious-the-most
award” He laughed
“I think the Watcher has you beat pet, I can’t think of a single fight he hasn’t
been carried away from.”
“I think there was one a few months ago he didn’t collapse until he got home.”
She added in amusement as she speared a potato
“I’m surprised the bloke don’t have brain damage- although that would explain
why he likes the Slayer.” He snorted
“Hmm.” Said Willow around a mouthful of food ” Says the one who had a crush on
said Slayer.”
“Aw pet, not fair to bring that up.” he grimaced “Can I plead temporary
She pretended to consider it until he pouted “Bought on by the trauma of the
chip. Absolutely but I’m afraid there will never be an excuse for Harmony.”
He shuddered remembering “Whoever granted her eternal life should get death by
Mosquito bites.”
She nodded as she munched “Once a vacuous air-headed tramp always-“
“Really didn’t like her huh?”
Willow shook her head “She made my life at Sunnydale high hell she picked on me
for years her and the rest of the Cordettes.” 
“Vatsch.” She paused and swallowed sheepishly before trying again “That’s what
we called those girls who hung out with Cordelia. Beautiful, popular, rich and
dumb as hell -thought the Ozone layer was a foundation.”
Spike almost spat out his drink as he choked back a laugh
“Of course the whole Cordy and Xander thing happened and she was declared
“uncool”. Me and Xander were not cool enough for them. I could’ve been like
them.” She paused waiting until Spike sipped his wine “But I couldn’t afford the
This time he lost the battle and his mouthful of wine ended up sprayed on the
floor while he laughed outright “Pet that was so evil- I’m proud.”
“I know.” She smiled “It’s weird that me and Cordy are such good friends now.”
“I thought she lived in L.A with the Poof?” he looked confused
Willow coloured “we e-mail each other regularly, she’s grown so much- I guess we
both have. Don’t tell Buffy or Xand- they really wouldn’t get it.”
He felt happy that she had shared another secret part of her life with him.
“Sure thing.” He attempted casualness which didn’t really work with the
maelstrom of emotions that this topic bought up. ”Does she tell you about the
Poof?” he traced the table with his fingers.
“Yeah.” She said softly, she knew how ambiguous Spike’s feelings were towards
his sire. He hated him for abandoning them but he was still family. He despised
him for what he did to Dru and for being the one Dru loved but Angelus had
trained him and took care of him for years.
“Sometimes Angel e-mails me, but his grasp of electric gadgets or these faddish
computers is minimal- almost Giles-like.  He had a run in with Darla who was
resurrected as human by this law- firm, then she was re-vamped by… another
vampire because she was dying of syphilis.” >Not mentioning Dru!<
“Well Darla was always a party girl.” he remarked dryly  “She had some odd ideas
about Childe rearing.”
“Ew.” She got his meaning “Apparently they had a near- Angelus situation when he
set the two vamps on fire and then locked them in room with some lawyers- or
possibly the other way around.”
“Peaches always had a thing for lawyers.”
“Well he’s found himself a sense of humour form somewhere- I think maybe Cordy.”
“Does he know about-” he pointed to his head indicating his chip
“Yeah and he was all for coming to Sunnydale to rip off Riley’s head and to do a
few other things which I don’t think are anatomically possible. Nice to know he
cares huh?” Spike shrugged conflicted.
She placed her fork down on her empty plate “to borrow a phrase- that was bloody
delicious.” Her teasing tone broke the tension and Spike’s smile returned.
“Got cheesecake for desert. Go into the lounge and I’ll bring it in after I
clear up.”
She got up and moved into the lounge “You cooked, you clean up and there’s
cheesecake?” she beamed “Careful Spike a girl might get used to having you
He waited until she was out of earshot before his face broke into a wolfish grin
“All part of the plan pet, I’m going nowhere.”

Part 12 of Pain and Friendship saga. Good day and Goodnight
Author: Fayth

Spike glanced at  his watch "C'mon Red. You'll be late."
"It's only a research session." She complained coming down the stairs "No big."
"I'm fed up of being cooped up all bleedin' day." he confessed with a smile
"Oh poor baby." she cooed
Spike looked her up and down. She was wearing tight blue jeans, black heels and
a green long sleeved top that bought out her eyes perfectly. While he gave her a
once over she returned the favour. He wore his trademark jeans and t-shirt with
black duster over the top. She fought the urge to drool but he was yummy.
He threw her a leather jacket "S'cold out." he pulled her onto the porch and
closed the front door behind them. Willow stood and stared at what awaited her
in the driveway. Her mouth opened and closed a few times and she blinked.
Spike noted all this with a preditors smile, he swaggered down the drive and
swung his leg over the motorbike.
*uh* she thought desperately *Spike on a motorbike motorspike! Dangerous Sexy
Spike on motorbike- naked Spike on motor-* She shook her head to clear it *snap
out of it!* She gulped.
"Like it pet?" Spike said noticing her reaction *Stage two- success* he stroked
the leather seat
*Oh i am in SO much trouble!* thought Willow as she forced herself to move and
not think of sitting behind Spike- close behind Spike. "W-wheres the Desoto?"
She asked hoping he wouldn't notice the tone of desperation.
He pouted "I wanted to play on my new toy- dontcha like it?" he cast his eyes
down pretending to be hurt- it was a complete act, he knew how much she liked it
and boy did he wish he knew what the fantasies were tripping through her
delectable mind that made her smell so delicious.
She nodded weakly *He wouldn't be pouting if he could see inside my mind bad bad
Willow* She took a deep breathe and swung her leg over the bike sitting behind
him- far behind him.
"You have to scoot a bit closer love." He smirked and passed her a black helmet
"Here law in California."
"Where's yours?"
"Only got one, figured i'm less likely to get injured than you. Wouldn't want
those beautiful brains addled now would we?" He reached under her chin to pull
the helmet on and was rewarded by the sharp intake of breathe and accelerated
pulse. His ego grew as he realised she was just as affected by him as she was
the bike. His roguish smile would have made a pirate proud.
He switched on the bike and it roared into action with a shudder. Spike reached
behind him and pulled Willow arms around his waist until her front was flush
against his back.
"Hold on Pet." he looked like the cat who not only got the cream but ate the
canary and the fish and kung-fu kicked the dog's ass as well. He pulled away
from the drive and sped down the street.
*I will not ravish Spike I will not ravish Spike I will not ravish Spike* Wil
repeated like a mantra. They hit a bump which jolted the bike slightly pushing
Willow into Spike. She cursed and Spike grinned.
Two streets away Spike's smile had been replaced by a less happy face *stupid*
he thought of a suitable name to call himself but failed to think of a better
euphamism  *just bloody stupid*. He had the object of his desire pressed up
tight against him. Her thighs around his ass, her breasts against his back and
her arms around his waist hands close to... She was turned on, he could smell
the sweet scent and she was whimpering like a kitten and he was so turned on
there was no way he was walking away from the bike in his current state. Oh and
the worst part? He was innundated with images of driving to the nearest tree and
shagging her senseless- which needless to say didnt help his condition any.
By the time they reached the magic box Spike was practically shaking with need,
he roared to a stop and motioned for her to get off. "Things to- back later." he
growled and kick started the bike away and off into the night. 
Willow walked on shaky legs until she got into the magic box where she collapsed
into the nearest chair and banged her head against the table and left it there.
"Will?" Xander asked tentatively. None of the scoobies had said a word as an
obviously shaken Willow staggered into the room and crumpled into a heap.
"'tupid!" the voice murmured from under her hair "'im and 'is damn toys!"
"Who's toys?" Anya perked up and Willow raised her head about a inch off the
table to shoot Anya a dirty look before dropping it again and smacking her
forehead against the wood. Buffy looked concerned
"Will are you ok?"
"'es." came the muffled reply
"Is anyone else sensing an Ally McBeale moment?" Xander said confused by his
best friends behaviour. Then her comment registered . His toys- Spikes toys? He
grinned and waited until Buffy had gone to speak to Giles before he sidled over
to Willow.
"Hey Wills where's blondie?" Willow eyed Xander from under her hair having only
just calmed down enough not to embarrass herself.
"He is prob'ly out enjoying his new toy." she snapped
"What toy?"
"Motorbike!" she said balefully and Xander looked incredulous before erupting
into laughter. Being Willow best friend since kindergarden he knew all about her
little motorbike fetish. *way to go Spike!* During one of their Playstation
afternoons he had tricked Spike into admitting his feelings for the Redhead.
Spike had confessed his affections and moaned about sounding like the sap so
Xander had suggested he do somthing about it. Spike had obviously taken his
advice. Xander , however, had refused to divulge any information about Willow or
her feelings- Spike was a Vampire but Willow scared him way more- plus there was
the resolve face to deal with- no Spike was on his own. Maybe. Spike had
mentioned his intentions to win her over and Xander had gently suggested
certain- avenues- anyway it was obvious that Spike was doing pretty well on his
Willow glared at Xander "Not fair Xand." she complained "He has no idea."
*Wanna bet?* he thought "Why don't you tell him how you feel?"
"No ." Reslove face *damn* "That way leads to badness and awkwardity- if that
even a word."
"Maybe he feels the same?" *maybe? try for sure!*
She shook her head "He treats me like a sister or a friend, he likes to tease
but thats it, he doesn't want me..." she smiled sadly "So what are we

Spike showed up at the Magic box later and sat in a chair near the door glaring
at the book in his lap as if it were responsible for his present state of
frustration. He was still itching for a good, hard... fight. He'd spent the last
two hours kicking the crap out of any minion that had been stupid enough to
cross his path. But it didn't change the fact that what he wanted most in the
whole damn world was sitting across from him smelling like Vanilla. Normally if
he wanted something he went after it and took it. But he wanted Wilow to love
him- forever and he knew -if it was ever possible- he would have to be patient.
She really was worth waiting for.
"So we still bronzing tomorrow night. Its tuneless embarassment night." Xander
broke the silence.
"Say what?" Spike frowned
"Karaoke night." Willow filled in amused "Where the deaf and misguided attempt
to find their groove. Brave souls!"
Buffy groaned "I totally forgot and made a date with Riley. Its our kinda
"What two days since last shag?" Spike was irritated and didn't care who knew
"Jealous Spikey? When your last lay was Harmony before she kicked you out for
being impotent." She smirked 
"At least she was a true blonde slutty."
"Unlike you platinum boy. Whatsa matter frustrated? DIY not doing it for ya
anymore?" She bitched
He gritted his teeth against the sudden urge to rip off her head and the demon
shone in his eyes.
"Unlike you vampire layer. I'm picky about who i fu-sleep with, i don't spread
my legs for every passing college beefcake who dumps me the next morning. Maybe
your technique needs work- they don't seem to stick around for seconds."
Buffy's eyes narrowed *direct hit* he thought with satisfaction
"STOP IT!" commanded Willow, the conversation was hitting a little close to
home. "You guys are so..." she got up and left the room to angry to finish the
Xander winced as the door slammed "Way to go guys." he glared at Buffy and Spike
in disgust "C'mon Anya we're leaving." and dragging her behind him they both
"What was that?" Buffy asked non-plussed
"It might be your conversation bought up memories of Oz?" Giles said tersely
Buffy hit her head with her hand "Oh no. Poor Wills."
Spike immediately felt bad- an emotion he usually revelled in. "Oh Bugger!"
Buffy glared maliciously at him "Oh like you care!"
"Actually Slutty Red is a lot nicer than any of the rest of you pillocks and so
yeah- i care." He stood up and went to follow Willow into the training room but
was stopped by Buffy
"Oh i'm so thinking no..."
"You actually thinking bitch?"
"ENOUGH" roared Giles "Both of you get out and don't come back until you can act
your ages.I'm bloody sick to death of your infantile bickering."
Buffy gathered her caot and stormed out and Spike after casting an apprehensive
look at the training room door did the same.
Giles picked up his tea and wandered into the training room to see Willow
sitting on the "horse" with her knees pulled up into her chest.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently
"Yeah i guess, i just don't get why they can't get along. He helps and yeah i
know- Vampire but its always about the dumbest stuff. Who got laid last?" She
shook her head "Lame."
"Ah." Giles took off his glasses and began cleaning them "And you want them to
get along because of your feelings for him?"
Willow's head snapped up and she pinned him with a startled look "How did you-
did Xander?"
Giles softly laughed "No indeed. I am a Watcher Willow."
"Am i obvious?" She hung her head embarrassed
He replaced his glasses "Only to me. I just told them that their incessant
arguing reminded you of Oz. They left pretty quickly after that."
"Oz? Giles me and Oz never-" She blushed
"I know but it made them leave and feel guilty. Besides i wished to talk with
you about this." he sat next to her "After my misspent youth i am loathe to
instruct you on how to act. I know that you are careful with your magics and i
am proud of how you are progressing. But after Buffy's foray into ... um demon
dating i feel i must caution you about getting involved with a Vampire- even one
as unconventional as our resident Spike."
"Giles, there will be no demon dating. Spike doesn't think of me that way."
Willow's voice was downcast and Giles had to smile a little at the girls lack of
self confidence especially in the light of the aforementioned demon's feelings.
"Do you trust me?" he asked
"Of course." there was no hesitation
"Then believe me when i say that Spike has feelings for you too. He looks at you
when you are unaware and i know he cares for you." he finished simply
"Really?" her tone was one of barely concieved hope
"Really. Now don't let this get out but i am quite fond of Spike he is quite
"I was going for peculiar. After seeing his affection for Drusilla i believe you
two are a good match but before entering into an...ahem... physical
relationship," it was Giles' turn to blush "You should consider the possible
ramifications of Vampiric mating habits which include rights of Sire and
Claiming and feeding during...ahem.. erm... intimacy. "
Willow's face matched Giles' in its redness "Ok Giles." She promised
"Well...ahem...if that's sorted let me drive you home."

On the drive home she considered Giles' words- did Spike feel the same way? He
always treated her nicely, cooking, buying her food and walking her home. But
did he love her- the way she loved him? What if he didnt- what if he did? How
could Giles be sure and what if he ever lost the chip?
She barely noticed anything as she walked up her driveway and into her house,
her mind racing away. She dropped her keys on the table and climbed the stairs
to her bedroom.
She gasped as she opened the door. A dozen blood red roses lay on her bed. She
"Huh?" There was a card on the top of them and picking it up it read in
beautiful handwriting:
                                                TURN AROUND
Willow turned and saw Spike standing in the doorway holding a single red rose.
"Hello." he said hesitantly
Her heart melted "Spike wha-?"
"I'm sorry pet." He interrupted "Never meant to upset you, you know?" He
swallowed and gave her a sheepish grin "Forgive me?"
He was irresistable "Of course." she said, she felt full like her heart was too
full of love for him that it actually ached. "I love them- noone has bought me
flowers before," she paused "At least when i was conscious anyway."
He stepped forward and stroked a hand down her arm when he spoke his voice
sounded far away "You deserve Roses." he stared into her eyes almost drowning in
their depths.
Something was changing between them, molecules heating up and vibrating-
electricity crackling in the air, the breathless certainty of fufillment. It
surrounded them, pulling them closer together. Suddenly he was impossibly close
and she was staring up into his piercing blue eyes.
His eyes flickered to her mouth and slowly he lowered his head until... the
phone rang shattering the moment.
"Sod!" Spike exclaimed
"I-i'd better g-get t-that." stammered Willow and fled downstairs "H-h-hello?"
She was breathless as she answered the phone still staring at the stairs. Her
senses swirled.
"Wills it's Buffy."
"Buffy?" *Who the hell was Buffy?* her brain had melted and refused to function 
"I just wanted to apologise- you know how my foot likes to live in my mouth. But
that undead creep just-"

Spike cursed as he shut his bedroom door *The bleeding slayer is always balsing
up my plans daft bitch!* He'd been so close to tasting his witch, he took a deep
breath, he was a patient bloke... well actually he wasn't but it was never to
late to learn. He paced like a caged animal. What he wouldnt give for a spot of
violence right now.

Willow mumbled some response to Buffy's apology before hanging up and returning
to her bedroom.
Spike's door was closed and she was relieved. She had no idea what was happening
here and she needed to sit in her room - amidst the roses- and think and just be
alone for a while.
"Goodnight." She whispered as she shut her door. 
